How Long Can Volume Lashes Really Last Between Fills?

There is so much confusion in the lash industry about retention. Artists are all told different things from manufacturers and trainers. We wanted to show you the case study using our LAshX Method and actual retention. The results here are with Volume lashes. We find that clients can go even longer between fills with classic lashes because they tend to blend better as they shed. When we lose a volume fan its a more dramatic loss.
LAshx System clients typically average 6-8 weeks between fills. If you haven't already watched any of my business webinars, on giving yourself a raise, then the next thing you are maybe thinking is, as a business
Don't I want my clients to come in sooner and more often so I can make more money?
Besides wanting to do whats best for the clients schedule and lash health there are also financial reasons for wanting to get the best retention possible. The idea behind giving yourself a raise is that you can differentiate yourselves by being the healthiest, safest and longest lasting lashes. You can charge a bit more but the clients actually come less often. Clients save money by paying a little more but coming less often and you the artist can make a higher hourly rate. Plus when friends tell friends that their lashes last twice as long you will be the busiest lash spot in town!
What factors effect retention?
-Products used (during and after application)
-Lifestyle and outside factors (sweating, swimming, medications)
-Genetics (which we can’t control this, but can help prolong Lash cycle with the ProLine treatment serum)
Make sure to address each of these 4 factors to maximize your clients lash retention.
I like to rule out anything I am doing when trying to trouble shoot retention issues. So if only one of lots of clients is having retention issues you can rule out your technique and products, but if everyone is suffering from early extension loss, then you can bet it may be one of these two factors or lack of educating clients on the proper after care that is causing you retention issues.
If you need some technique help check out our LAshX Classes Here. We also offer free sales support education and Webinars so make sure you join our mailing list and let us know where you need support.
Here is the step by step on our case study:
All LAshX clients start their service by cleaning their own lashes with the LAshX Lash Cleanse
By having the client clean their own lash we teach them how they will be doing it at home. We explain that they need to clean the lashes at least 3x per week. This removes bacteria, salt and oils. Clients are more apt to actually use the cleanser when we educate them and explain that regular washing actually helps the lashes last 2 weeks longer.
Once clients become regulars, you can have a station set up with the Endure Lash Wash Clothes and Towels and they can clean their lashes on their own when they arrive to save you time prepping.We have a little jar with the wash cloths that say "Wash With Me" and the Towels say "Dry With Me" These are all made for lashes and wont pull. You can order them back bar too!
Next, you will apply your extensions to clean dry lashes. No primers, or saline or anything else. Just clean dry lashes.
Let the lashes and adhesive cure naturally. Do not nano or nebulize or anything else. No sealer. All of these things will effect the bond. With lash extension adhesives you want a thin application that cures slowly with natural moisture in the air. This will give a flexible bond with the soft LAshX Mink(R) Lashes and will prevent tugging and pulling on the delicate hair follicles. Even if your client sleeps on their face the lashes will just move with the natural hair preventing pulling or damage and giving a longer hold.
Last but not least, is aftercare. You will explain and give directions and check in on your clients and they still may mess up the after care but you must keep trying. Here is the deal. They need to keep lashes dry for 24 hours. No steam sauna or facials for 48 hours. Avoid extreme heat. Clients must avoid oil and glycol and use the cleanser as often as they like but at least 3 times a week to keep lashes clean.
The LAshX Proline is the final step in this three part system. The serum is put on once a day. Natural lashes will triple, so every time the client comes in you have more lashes to work with. It is oil and glycol as well as steroid, prostaglandin, and paraben free. That means no side effects and no lash loss. It works with peptides to root the hair with protein, keep the lash in the anagen stage, or lash growth stage for 46% longer, and build up the keratin that the lash is made out of. Lash extensions will last 2 weeks longer and natural lashes will be healthier.
So three simple steps, longer retention and a pay raise!
Here are the results again
Day 0
3 Weeks Later (we meant to take a 2 week photo but forgot)
5 Weeks
7 Weeks
For the complete How-To on this American Volume Look read this Blog!
Be sure to check out our new LAshX LA YouTube Channel for more tips and tricks!
xx Let us see your retention photos below!