We Made a Mistake - Please Resubscribe and Save Big! Our Error is Your Chance For Big Savings

Dear LAshX Pros,
We are so sorry! We made a mistake and in upgrading our subscription technology, all current subscriptions were lost! What that means is if you would like to continue your subscription (or add one) you need to reorder it. IT WILL NOT AUTOSHIP unless you resign up. We know this is a huge inconvenience so we have doubled the discount on all subscriptions temporarily and you can add this discount to items already on sale. We hope the extra savings will make up for the inconvenience. This discounted price will run with your subscription for as long as you have it for. If you need help signing up for a subscription or experience any technical issues please call us at the number below. If you never had a subscription but would like one now you can make out and get this double discount too as its added across the website. Again, so sorry for the inconvenience. We are trying to retrieve the list of accounts that were subscribed and if we are able to do so we will also give you a call.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance. We know having your products on autoship is essential to running your business and we will help in any way we can!
All the best,
Mandy and the LAshX Team