American Volume Lashes - How to get this look

Just recently I posted a blog showing you how great volume lashes should last when the proper after care is used by the client. See my retention blog here After the post we received tons of requests to do a step by step look book on it. So here is the recipe for on getting this American Volume Lash look!
Celebrity Inspiration:
Gwen Stephanie
Techniques used: American Volume Lash
Skill Level: Advanced
Supplies To create this natural look you will need: (Click the item to add to your shopping cart or learn more)
LAshX Lash Cleanse
2 sets Gel pads
Volume Lashes: C.07 10-18 For the Gwen Look Choose C. For my model who wanted a toned down version we went with B.07 9-14
Tweezers: Volume Tweezers, Straight Tweezers, Hook Tweezers
LAshX Speed Adhesive
How To:
Prep 1) As always, have your model / client cleanse her lashes with the LAshX Lash Cleanse to rid the lashes of any built up oils, makeup and bacteria. Let her know she will bring home that cleanser to use at least 3 times a week, but as often as she chooses to keep her fluffy lashes full and clean.
Prep 2) Quickly dry the lashes with a Mini Fan or Lint Free Cloth
Lashes will stick better to a clean dry lash.
Step 1) Apply a fresh pair of gel pads, this time covering lower lashes.
Start creating fans of 4-5D and applying. Longest in the outer third and tapering shorter toward the nose. Apply a fan to every hair.
Before from above.
3. Create Fans!
Here is a quick demo on creating the proper fan
Follow the lash map above. Remember the sizes listed are the longest lengths in the at section but I am always filling with shorter lengths as well to create texture and flow between the "sections". The goal is one continuous lash line with this look so that one size area seamlessly flows across the eye to the next areas to subtly change the look of the eyes and lift the face. This look will lift the outer corners and is perfect for someone with a rounder eye shape.
Here is what you should be seeing half way through.
And here is the finished product when they are super full!
Remember to explain the aftercare so your client can get the 5-8 week hold as demonstrated in my blog about retention: How Long Can Volume Lashes Really Last.