Notes from Mandy's 10 Secrets to a Profitable Lash Business Seminar

Notes from Mandy's 10 Secrets to a Profitable Lash Business Seminar
The LAshX Mission
Support women, improve the industry health safety
I want this to be an open forum and my hope is that you each go home with actionable items with will improve your bottom line tomorrow.
10 secrets to a successful lash business
lash retention = Client retention ****
The secret to a profitable thriving eyelash extension business is: lash retention equals client retention.
What does that mean? If your clients' lashes last longer and promote healthy natural lash growth, you will automatically be busier, and make more money. Why is this true? You may be thinking, if clients come less, wont I make less money?
Most clients do not want to have to come in for fills every two weeks. If your lashes look good longer they will be more likely to keep them up for years. If their natural lashes get healthier you will be able to lash them for years. Word of mouth will spread that your lashes last longer and are safer and you will get busier. You will be able to charge more per service and see each client less often. The benefits for the client are that they save time and money. The benefits for your business is that you can accommodate more clients at a higher price per hour. You will be making a higher per hour fee and offering the best possible product to your client.
Which brings us to number 2. quality over quantity.
Quality over Quantity
How many of your would be willing to pay $50 - $100 more for lashes if it meant you could get fills half as often and they would look and feel better?
Did I just give you a way to give yourself a $50-100/hour raise? I did and I'll explain why
The lashx system is high quality for your client. They don't need to do anything except clean their lashes and put a serum on once a day. Their natural lashes will triple and your revenue with triple. At the end of the day we all want results so you may be thinking you are doing your client a favor by selling lower quality products for less money but the result will be that their lashes dont last as along and they will be coming in more often spending more time on services. This is kind of like work smarter not harder. So offer the best quality products and services possible and you will self select a quality clientele and in the long run have much more success-
Less Clients - More Services = More profits
Time between clients is wasted, unless you are retailing product. Changing linens, cleaning checking in and out. When you have clients who do several services at once
like lash extensions and brow extensions or brow design you can maximize your time and your clients. Think of
great add ons that don't take a lot of time. Give yourself extra time with each client to have a chance to go over after care, retail and prebook.
Hireright - slow hire - quick fire
Running a lash business is much like running any other business except harder…
Many times we are wearing all the business hats as well as working 8 hours a day in the lash room. We cant do it all but who we hire can make or break our businesses. What I have learned over the years is that we cant feel bad and keep employees on who arent contributing. As a small business every employee is crucial and the wrong one can take a business down. Do diligence when hiring.
Think like an Entrepreneur - Lash Like an Artist
Its easy to focus on one more than another. In the end doing the best quality, healthiest work will pay off more than any savings you may be getting buying cheaper products or doing quicker work.
Long Term Goals over short term gratification
Educating our clients that you want their lashes to get healthier and last longer so that they can wear lashes forever. Unhealthy practices can give a great instant look but leave you clientless as their lashes get thinner and thinner
Utilize FREE marketing resources
Some Free marketing ideas included, Facebook Pages, Gift Bags, Events, Social Media, Directories, Partnerships, Referral Networks and reward programs, LAshX Search box, Etc.
Always be growing
Invest in yourself. You are your most valuable resource. We learn something new from every class we take and with each trick or tip we learn we increase our personal value.
Compete with only yourself
Really don't worry about what others are doing or you will be always playing catch up. Instead think how you can innovate and improve your services and your products
Lastly I want to leave you with this:
Charge what you are worth
Dont put yourself on sale. People value us as much as we value ourselves. If you put in the work and do the training and are a leader in the industry with great quality products and services you will never have to worry about your price point.
first I will tell you the number 1 secret to success. If you do nothing but this first tip you are guaranteed success.
I have the privilege of meeting tons of lash professionals over the years and one of the most common comments that I get from people, who are new to learn about LAshX, is that they think it's great that I can charge the prices that I do at my lash bar, but in their location they feel they have to charge way less because of the "competition". Here is a secret; my business is not successful because of my location, or the fact that celebrities come to my salon.
The secret is simple. To have a profitable fully booked schedule, you don't even need to implement this entire presentation. The secret to a profitable thriving eyelash extension business is: lash retention equals client retention.
What does that mean? If your clients' lashes last longer and promote healthy natural lash growth, you will automatically be busier, and make more money. Why is this true? You may be thinking, if clients come less, wont I make less money?
Most clients do not want to have to come in for fills every two weeks. If your lashes look good longer they will be more likely to keep them up for years. If their natural lashes get healthier you will be able to lash them for years. Word of mouth will spread that your lashes last longer and are safer and you will get busier. You will be able to charge more per service and see each client less often. The benefits for the client are that they save time and money. The benefits for your business is that you can accommodate more clients at a higher price per hour. You will be making a higher per hour fee. o
"I have learned over the years it’s better to invest in quality products and equipment rather than the cheapest because in the long run it will save you."
I have learned over the years it’s better to invest in quality products and equipment rather than the cheapest because in the long run it will save you. I coach my lash partners to focus on being the best, rather than the cheapest, by providing quality products, ingredients, and the best possible service. This way they can charge a little more and ensure their clients keep coming back. Healthy lashes mean a client for life and longer lash retention leads to client retention! In addition think about services and products that can be added on, costing little or no time to increase margins. Time is our most valuable commodity in the service industry so anything that increases revenue without taking a lot of time, or decreases time of a service is a great investment. I have designed the LAshX system is designed around health which improves retention and leads to a better lash extension experience.
Check out my blog with more on building a sustainable beauty business -