December Savings on Trainings! These deals go until 12/31

The best investment we can make is in ourselves. We earn based on the value we bring. Take a course to add a new skill (Or perfect a skill) to your resume and have more to offer your clients.
All of our courses include retail support, marketing and business training, as well as access to me (Mandy) for any of your needs.
If you are wondering how some lash bars can charge $350- $500 for a full set and be completely booked and you are slow, even though you are undercharging, than we highly suggest investing in yourself. Come to our next training to learn the formula for success.
If you have any questions about our trainings please give us a call: 310-855-3305
If you want to see a demo of my teaching style please check out our YouTube Education Channel: There are hours of free training/tips on there!
Wishing you all a prosperous 2023!
About Mandy:
Dubbed E! Hollywood's Lash Bar to the Stars. Mandy regularly works on Celebrity cleints, and you have seen her work on most of your favorite musicians, actors and Hollywood Elite. Over time, she developed her on methods and products to make the eyelash extension business safer, healthier, and last longer. This system has allowed sensitvie clients to come back to wearing lashes and creates a sustainable business that promotes longterm healthy lash wear. With this method pros are able to charge their full rate but clients save time and money coming only half as often!