SLS or Sodium Laurel Sulfate, has been shown to cause or contribute to: skin irritation, canker sores, disruptions of skin’s natural oil balance and eye damage. It is also widely believed to be a major contributor to acne (especially cystic acne) around the mouth and chin.
Choosing The Right Lash Extension Cleanser

Retailing The Wrong Lash Cleanser To Your Client May Be Distroying Your Business. LAshX had the first lash cleanser ever to hit the market that was specifically made for lashes. Since then, tons of lash cleansers are now available but how do you know which cleanser is best? My best advice is don't just trust the marketing! You can always put an ingredient into your google or EWG.ORG to see what it is and I hope this guide will help you quickly know what to avoid.
Pros call us on the lash line all the time asking why their lashes arent lasting 6-8 weeks like ours do. Some of these calls are from stylists that are using our adhesive. Most of the time the reason is that the pro isn't getting full retention is because of the client not doing the proper after care at home. The days of not informing clients how to care for lashes are gone and now most lash pros do sell or give a lash cleansing product to their clients. (to see how to clean your lashes click here). We know that in order for lashes to remain healthy we must combat mites and bacteria and in order to keep lashes on we need to remove natural oils and makeup. The trouble comes in when companies sell "Lash Cleansers" that aren't really lash safe. I wanted to educate you guys on lash ingredients so that you can knowledgably choose the best cleanser for your client. Unfortunalty, just trusting the label is not good enough.
Quickly, before I start going into ingredients, if you are making your own cleanser I highly advise against this. You are putting you, your clients and your business at risk as "Homemade" cleansers are not properly tested by optimologists (or anyone), and they are not insured so if anyone were to claim that your product caused them eye issues you could be liable.
So your cleanser should be:
Oil free!
Oil as we know makes the lashes clump and causes them to come of quicker.
Mineral oil (Liquid petroleum), in addition to being an oil, is a by-product in the process of distillation of petroleum to produce gasoline. It is a transparent liquid, it has no colour and is mainly made out of alkanes and paraffins. According to the Environmental Working Group, this oil may be contaminated with cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Mineral oil aggravates acne, dermatitis or any type of eczema and it impacts negatively the skin function, causing it to age prematurely. The tricky thing is there are over 40 different names used for these oils so when reading labels you may not realize there is actually oil in your cleanser. Here are some of the names used for this oil:
- adepsine oil
- alboline
- baby oil
- bayol 55
- cable oil
- bayol f
- blandlube
- blandol white mineral oil
- carnea 21
- clearteck
- crystol 325
- crystosol
- Diala-X, AX
- drakeol
- electrical insulating oil
- ervol
- filtrawhite
- fonoline
- frigol
- glymol
- hevyteck
- hydraulic oil
- hydrocarbon oils
- jute batching oil
- kaydol
- kondremul
- kremol
- lignite oil
- liquid paraffin
- lubricating oil
- master Shimmer
- mineral oil (saturated parrafin oil)
- mineral oil hydrocarbon solvent (petroleum)
- mineral oil mist
- mineral oil, aromatic
- mineral oil, paraffinic
- mineral Seal Oil
- molol
- neo-cultol
- nujol
- oil mist
- oil, petroleum
- paraffin oil
- parol
- paroleine
- peneteck
- penreco
- perfecta
- petrogalar
- petrolatum
- petroleum hydrocarbons
- petroleum, liquid
- primol
- primol 355
- primol d
- protopet
- saxol
- tech pet
- f triona b
- uvasol
- univolt N60, 80
- voltesso 35
- white mineral oil
- white oil
Glycol Free
Glycol or propylene glygol is used in many products. Propylene glycol is a small organic alcohol commonly used as a skin conditioning agent. It has been associated with irritant and allergic contact dermatitis as well as contact urticaria in humans; these sensitization effects can be manifested at propylene glycol concentrations as low as 2%.
In addition to the bad for the health reasons, glycol can dehydrate our lash extension bonds causing lash extensions to feel dry and brittle and flake off!
Other names for propylene glycol are 1,2-dihydroxypropane, 1,2-propanediol, methyl glycol, and trimethyl glycol.
Free of Sulfates like Sodium Laurel or Laureth Sulfate and Surfactants,
😊😊We like our Paraben free, this isnt damaging to the lashes but it is considered a carcinogen
The FDA acknowledges several studies linking parabens, which mimic estrogen, to breast cancer, skin cancer and decreased sperm count, but has not ruled that it is harmful. According to the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Products, longer chain parabens like propyl and butyl paraben and their branched counterparts, isopropyl and isobutylparabens, may disrupt the endocrine system and cause reproductive and developmental disorders. Look for ingredients with the suffix “-paraben” as well—paraben-free products will be labeled as such.
Triclosan FREE
Triclosan was all the rage as antibacterial products became ubiquitous in the 1990s. Even the FDA agrees that there is no health benefit to humans who use triclosan, and in 2013 ruled that manufacturers using it had to demonstrate that there were no long-term detrimental effects. Triclosan (in liquid products) and triclocarban (in bar soaps) have been linked to hormonal disruptions, bacterial resistance, impaired muscle function, impaired immune function and increased allergies. Instead, use naturally antibacterial and antiseptic agents
No Salts!
You may have noticed that when a client sweats or cries or uses eyedrops that their lashes tend to come off sooner. This is because the sodium or salt dehydrates the lash bond making the lash extensions flake off without the hair attached. You will notice a change in the touch and feel of the extensions. They will feel almost crispy. Avoid anything that says Saline.
So to recap if you are suffering from retention issues look at your cleansers. Make sure its not foaming or sudsing (Surfactants) and check for the ingredients above. Remember when products are made in other countries we have a lot less control over the quality of ingredients so buing skin care made in the use (or italy or france because the EU standards are even better than the US) Is always better than skin care made in countries like China. Look for ingredients that will actually improve lash health like Aloe, biotin, panthenol, silk extract, cucumber or humectants, and other non-irritating antioxidants. Look for products that are optimologist tested and made specifically for eyes and lashes.
Thanks for reading and If you are interested in testing the LAshX Lash Cleanse Click Here:
We are proud to create a pareban, sulfate, oil and glycol free cleanser that improves natural lash health with ingredients like biotin and panthenol~